Speech and Language Warning Signs

The following are speech and language warning signs that will help determine if a child requires speech and language therapy services.  Please be aware that there is a wide range of normal development.  Not all children will have mastered all of the following skills within the following ages listed.  However, if you find that the child’s development is significantly delayed when compared to the skills listed, it may be a good idea to have them evaluated by a certified Speech-Language Pathologist.

By age 2 years the child:

Does not understand any complex sentences

Does not use any 2 word combinations

Cannot identify common objects and pictures when named

Cannot identify up to 5 body parts

Does not refer to self by name

Does not talk about things they are interested in

Does not understand new words daily

Does not use up to 50 words

Does not use any pronouns

By age 3 years the child:

Is not understood by family and/or caregivers

Does not use at least 3-6 word combinations

Cannot repeat when not understood without becoming frustrated

Does not understand what objects do (function of objects)

Cannot correctly produce vowels

Cannot correctly produce the sounds p, b, m, and w in words

Does not understand basic concepts such as little & big, hot & cold

Does not have a vocabulary of close to 1,000 words

Does not attend to activities for up to 10 minutes

Cannot repeat up to at least 3 numbers

By age 4 years the child:

Is not understood by family and/or caregivers

Is not understood by individuals they don’t associate with regularly

Does not have a vocabulary of close to 1,500 words

Cannot express complex ideas in short sentences

Cannot understand basic prepositions such as on, in, under, beside

Does not use past tense verbs correctly

Cannot be asked to repeat without becoming sensitive

Does not understand “why” and “how” questions

Cannot identify basic colors

Cannot correctly produce t, d, k, g, f

Cannot count to 10

By age 5 years the child:

Does not have a working knowledge of the grammatical

principles of their native language

Is not understood in all situations by most listeners

Cannot correctly produce most speech sounds

Cannot carry out more complex commands of 2-3 steps

Does not understand right vs. left

Cannot be asked to repeat without exhibiting frustration

Does not use sentences of at least 5-6 words

Does not use “I” instead of “me”